Ruína e patrimônio cultural no Brasil – Thesis

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Ruína e patrimônio cultural no Brasil – Thesis

Thesis – Author: Angela Rosch Rodrigues .
Sao Paulo, 2017
The ruins constitute a profitable field of experiments and theoretical digressions that concern the patrimonial preservation. Different forms of understanding, recognition of value and significance attributed to the ruined goods guide treatments with distinct results for the preservation or not of this status quo. The present research aims to analyze the various interpretations of ruin in the identification and treatment of cultural heritage built in the institutional sphere of Brazil. Considering ruin as a condition of degradation and decharacterization of architectural assets of any age affected by ruin caused by different causes and chronological distances, our analysis focuses on the listed patrimony, or that has been studied to be listed in the State of São Paulo. This survey suggested the organization of the selected cases in three groups – ruins of time, ruins of negligence and ruins of incident – that contribute the investigation of the two main questions of this thesis: ruins – what are they? And how to intervene? The complexity of the understanding of ruin is due to many variables – cause, degree and time elapsed from the ruin, date of construction and condition of use – that, combined, direct diverse positions in relation to the approach and treatment of these assets. Preservation theories – especially the precepts of critical restoration – prescribe operations according to the degree of degradation of goods. In the field of patrimonial preservation in Brazil there is a multiplicity of results for the conservation or not of the preexisting substrate in a state of ruin, on which this thesis has focused and intends to contribute.

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Por | 2017-07-16T11:02:51+00:00 julio 16th, 2017|Otras Publicaciones|Sin comentarios

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